Tools for Marketing Your Credo Resources

Posted by InfoLit Learning Community on 1/25/19 2:21 PM

Information Literacy, Marketing

Image of faculty guide to instructCredo has developed a new LibGuide that can help introduce our Instruct product to your faculty. The guide discusses why information literacy is important and how Instruct can help improve student performance without taking away valuable class time. Please feel free to copy our LibGuide and customize it—the spots where you should add links to your institution’s subscription are highlighted in red.

For further resources than can help you get the most out of your Credo subscription, please see the “Marketing Credo Resources” section of our free Learning Community. As well as the LibGuide mentioned above, you’ll find there a PowerPoint that can be customized to your institution and used to introduce faculty to Credo Instruct, guide that lists which learning outcomes are served by each item of Credo multimedia, and a sample annotation bibliography assignment that uses Instruct videos and tutorials to show students how to create the final paper over several class sessions.

Is there another tool that could help you get more use out of your Credo subscription? Please let me know at

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