Every week we add several items to Credo’s InfoLit Learning Community. They’re designed to keep you aware of what’s going on in the field as well as to help you in your day-to-day work. You may have dropped in their in the past to find IL-related webinars, articles, and links to free, web-based IL tools.
Some of the material is of perennial use, so that even after we move it off the “main stage” of the Community, we archive it so that you can still access the material when it becomes relevant to your work. A few recent examples of articles that can be found at our IL in the Field Archive page are:
- Threats to Reader Privacy and How Libraries Can Combat Them
- Creating a Librarian-Faculty Community of Practice around the ACRL Framework
- Using Wikipedia Editing as a Final Project
The archive is growing all the time, so don’t forget to check back often!