New & Updated Titles Added to Credo's Core Collections

Posted by Credo on 8/12/17 1:06 PM

Core Collections, Customer Success, E-Reference Titles

Every month we showcase some of the new and updated titles in our Academic, Public, and Student Core Collections. August features the highly topical Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence, among other titles. Click here for a full list of August titles!

Historical Dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence - This title is perfect for anyone Putin together an online reference collection that covers Russian intelligence from the imperial period to the present, focusing in greatest detail on Cold War espionage cases and the Putin-era intelligence community. Spy it for yourself in our Academic and Public Core Collections. 

The Unforgotten Sisters: Female Astronomers and Scientists before Caroline Herschel - This book tells the lives of twenty-five female scientists, with specific attention to astronomers and mathematicians. The book will be of interest to all who wish to learn more about the women from antiquity to the nineteenth century who played such key roles in the history of astronomy and science despite living and working in largely male-dominated worlds. You'll find it in our Academic Core Collection. 

Education at a Glance 2016The authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world. It provides key information on the output of educational institutions; the impact of learning across countries; the financial and human resources invested in education; access, participation and progression in education; and the learning environment and organisation of schools. Look for it in our Academic Core Collection. 


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