Starting Your Paper: Human Nature at its Best

Posted by Duncan Whitmire on 1/6/15 10:18 PM

Starting Your Paper, Topic Pages

Adam_and_Eve_TintorettoWhen it comes to starting a paper, you can learn a lot about human nature. Will our desire to seek knowledge be stymied by our addiction to Walking Dead marathons? Credo's Topic Pages are a great way to circumvent the procrastination trap: high-quality information from great sources, linking to more related topics, images, videos and more.

And when you're done, celebrate having written a great, well-researched paper with an episode or four of your favorite binge-worthy series. Here are a few Topic Pages on Human Nature to get you started:

Nature - In the Middle Ages, and into the Modern Era, the dominance of Christianity cast a suspicious shadow over all versions of being natural, that allied human nature...

Natural Law - natural law , theory that some laws are basic and fundamental to human nature and are discoverable by human reason without reference to specific...

Hume, David - In Book I of the Treatise, Hume advanced the startling notion that 'All the sciences have a relation, greater or less, to human nature; and that however wide any of  ...

Procrastination - Procrastination is the act of successively delaying tasks or decisions. Although individuals know that a task is supposed to be done, they fail...

Sociology - Auguste Compte (1798–1857), the French philosopher who coined the term “sociology,” defined it as the systematic study of society, and the accumulated ...

Anthropology - Anthropology is an outgrowth of the sixteenth-, seventeenth-, and eighteenth-century European discoveries of the remains of ancient civilizations and fossil ...


Adam and Eve, by By Tintoretto [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons,

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