The End of a Year, The Start of a Paper

Posted by Duncan Whitmire on 12/3/14 9:48 PM

Starting Your Paper, Topic Pages

Snow_at_the_LakeThere are few times of the year more chaotic to college researchers than the month of December: finals preparations and holiday plans swirl around like a stress-themed snow globe. And through it all is the constant anxiety of knowing that several papers will have to be due before you can walk out the door into that sweet, crisp mid-winter freedom. If only there were some way to explore topics for your papers in a way that easily connected you to authoritative resources, images, full-length books, etc...

Well, researchers, you've come to the right place. Credo can hook you up with all of that and more through our Topic Pages. Here are a few Decembery Topic Pages for you to peruse on your way to starting your paper and ending your semester!

Hibernation - Brown bear cubs Winter sleep Bears that live... in Animals: A Visual Encyclopedia [cite image]. hibernation (hī´´bәrnā´shәn) [Lat.,= wintering],  ...

Reindeer - Reindeer have long fur, light brown in summer and whitish in winter, with dense woolly undercoats. The antlers are many pronged, with characteristically curved  ...

Ice Skating - Skating, besides being an important form of winter recreation and the essential skill in the game of ice hockey (see hockey, ice) has developed into three  ...

Christmas - The most popular of the Christian festivals, also known as the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas (from “Christ's Mass”) celebrates the birth of Jesus of ...

Hanukkah - Between November 25 and December 26; from Kislev 25 to Tevet 2 Hanukkahcommemorates the successful rebellion of the Jews against the Syrians in...

Kwanzaa - December 26-January 1 An African-American celebration of family and black culture,Kwanzaa is thought to be observed by five million Americans...

Image: Snow at the Lake.jpg, US National Park Service, Public Domain, via Wikimedia Commons,

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